Головна » 2008 » Березень » 25 » April Debate Educational Weekend (April DEW)
April Debate Educational Weekend (April DEW)

On behalf of All-Ukrainian Youth Non-Governmental Organization "Debate Academy" we are glad to inform you of conducting a unique event on April 18-20. We invite you to participate in the April Debate Educational Weekend (April DEW).

Style: British Parliamentary
Location: Kyiv
Language: guess!

The event will consist of two parts: training and the tournament.

During the tree days of the Weekend participants will have a unique opportunity to attend lectures, delivered by prominent debaters and well-known adjudicators from the UK – Neill Harvey-Smith (Chief Adjudicator of European University Debate Championship 2008 in Estonia, Chair of the World Debating Council, a former World Championship grand finalist, World Masters Champion and winner of the John Smith Memorial Mace in both England, Wales and Scotland. He was Chair of the Grand Final at the 2004 World Debating Championships in Singapore, having previously adjudicated the Grand Finals of Worlds, the European Championships, the International Mace. As a student he won around 25 inter-varsity debating competitions) and G. Rhydian Morgan (Chief Adjudicator at numerous UK and European tournaments, Deputy Chief Adjudicator at Ankara Open, Chief Adjudicator at Euros Warm-Up and Belgrade Open 2008, European Open winner, well known and highly appreciated lecturer on debates and rhetoric); compete in 3 preliminary and a final round and communicate with interesting people.

Team cap: 16

Registration* is open until April 13

To register fill the Registration Form available at www.debate.org.ua, www.debate.com.ua\forum. And send it to DebateClubUA@gmail.com.

* The Organizing Committee has the right of selecting participants according to their debating experience.

Participants not from Kyiv are provided with full board, and Kyivites – with coffee brakes. No fee.

UYNGO "Debate Academy"
President Olexandra Matviichuk,

Kira Shymanska

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