Головна » 2009 » Березень » 14 » Открытые лекции Киевской школы экономики
Открытые лекции Киевской школы экономики

В течение ближайшего месяца Киевская школа экономики устраивает ряд открытых лекций, спикерами которых выступят управляющие EBRD, професора MIT и автор самых известных учебников по микроэкономике, исследователи Yahoo Research и другие. Во вложении - детальный анонс,для участия (оно бесплатно) нужно зарегистрироваться на kse.org.ua.

Буду благодарен, если сможете распространить эту информацию в своих
вузах и среди знакомых.

Егор Самусенко

March 16, 2009, 13.00
KSE Campus, room 207, Yakira 13

o       KSE Open Academic Lecture by Stefano Capodagli, Chairman of
Initiative Group "Circle of Friends of Ukraine," Senior Manager, EBRD,
and Bogdan Povoroznyk, member of Initiative Group Circle of Friends of
Ukraine, KSE'2006

Stefano Capodagli and Bogdan Povoroznyk will talk on "Economic and
Financial Crisis in Ukraine in 2009:  How Many Corporates Will Remain
Solvent?" Using a sample of more than 2000 Ukrainian companies
operating in the manufacturing sector over seven years, they examine
the financial vulnerability by analyzing the relation between
macroeconomic indicators and companies financial ratios. The analysis
shows that macroeconomic conditions have a strong effect on debt
service capacity.

March 30, 2009, 9.30-17.00
KSE Campus, room 207, Yakira 13

o       KSE Annual Student Conference on "The World Economic and Financial
Crisis: What We Learn"

Students from different regions of Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova will
present their research papers and essays dedicated to the economics
and financial crisis. A jury of KSE faculty members will select the
winners in each category, who will be awarded with monetary prizes.

March 30, 2009, 18.00
"Radisson SAS", Yaroslaviv Val 22

o       KSE Open Academic Lecture by Anthony Shorrocks, Director of
UNU-Wider,  Helsinki

Professor Shorrocks is a leading expert on the analysis and
measurement of poverty and inequality. He will talk on "The Changing
Pattern of Global Wealth Ownership."

April 1, 2009, 18.00
Place to be announced

o       KSE Open Academic Lecture by Robert Pindyck, Bank of
Tokyo-Mitsubishi Professor of Economics and Finance in the Sloan
School of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT,

Dr. Robert S. Pindyck has published numerous academic journal
articles, and is the author of several books, including three famous
textbooks "Microeconomics", "Econometric Models and Economic
Forecasts", and "Investment Under Uncertainty." He will talk on "Real

April 14, 2009, time to be announced
Place to be announced

o       KSE Open Academic Lecture by David H.Reiley (Ph.D., Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1996), Arizona Public Service Professor of
Economics, University of Arizona and Research Scientist at Yahoo!

At Yahoo, Dr. Reiley measured the effects of advertising on sales
through a controlled experiment on Yahoo! display advertising.

To participate, please register at www.kse.org.ua.

Джерело: http://groups.google.com/group/Studnews?hl=uk



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