Головна » 2009 » Серпень » 20 » European Journalism-Fellowships at Freie Universitaet Berlin
European Journalism-Fellowships at Freie Universitaet Berlin
Attached please find an announcement containing further information on the "European Journalism-Fellowships" and the application form. The European Journalism-Fellowships at Freie Universität Berlin is a programme for mid-career journalists, designed to give participants the opportunity to take a two-semester leave from their professional positions and spend a sabbatical year in Berlin to work on a major research project. Journalists from all European countries and the United States of America are invited to apply for a fellowship.
Each fellow pursues a custom-made programme that is organized around a specific project defined by the applicant: an individual journalistic research project, the results of which will later be published. The objective of studies in Berlin is to broaden professional knowledge and specialized expertise while building upon previous journalistic experience. Fellows are free to take advantage of course offerings at the Berlin universities, and to participate in events organized by other scholarly and cultural institutions in the German capital.

At the same time, journalists have an opportunity to meet colleagues from Eastern and Western Europe and the United States of America.
The European Journalism-Fellowships were modelled after well-established and highly regarded fellowship programmes for American journalists, such as the Nieman Fellowships at Harvard University.

In Europe, the "sabbatical" offered in the framework of the EJF-programme, with its European and transatlantic focus, represents a hitherto unique opportunity for journalists.

The closing date for applications is November 1, 2009.

We would be pleased if you could distribute the information to your members and interested journalists (e.g. by your online-newsletters)
and/or post the information on your website, preferably with a link to our homepage (www.ejf.fu-berlin.de).

We would also like to ask you to forward this press release to the news agencies in your country if possible.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you very much!

Sincerely yours,

Інформаційний лист (англ.)

Інформаційний лист (нім.)

Інформаційний лист (рос.)

Анкета учасника

Джерело: http://unistudy.org.ua/opportunities.htm?page=1&id=889

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