Головна » 2009 » Грудень » 5 » Гранти для представників громадських організацій країн "Східного партнерства"
Гранти для представників громадських організацій країн "Східного партнерства"

Науково-дослідницький центр "Local Government and Public Service Initiative" (http://lgi.osi.hu/, Угорщина) оголошує прийом заявок на отримання гранту представниками громадських організацій країн Східного партнерства для проведення дослідження спільно з аналітичними інститутами країн Євросоюзу.
Кожен з грантів надаватиметься на дослідження теми, яка входить до "пріоритетного списку" в рамках ініціативи "Східного партнерства" (лібералізація візового режиму, торговельна та економічна політики, транскордонна співпраця, вирішення конфліктних ситуацій, демократизація, енергетична безпека, екологічна стабільність)
( ДЕТАЛЬНІШЕ - http://lgi.osi.hu/documents.php?id=2921&m_id=19&bid=1 )
Представники аналітичних центрів з країн Східного партнерства та Російської Федерації працюватимуть протягом року та проведуть не менше 2-х місяців в одному з аналітичних центрів ЄС. Перевага надаватиметься науковцям, які досліджують окремі угоди в рамках ініціативи "Східного партнерства".
Грантоотримувачі також відвідають Будапешт та познайомляться з представниками центру "Local Government and Public Service Initiative" та Інституту Відкритого Суспільства (Угорщина). Частину триденного візиту також буде присвячено тренінгу з успішного написання директивних документів.
Останній термін подання заявок - 29 січня 2010 року
Максимальний розмір гранту - 12000 USD
Переклад - портал "Європейський простір"
Пакет документів
Guidelines for Proposals

A. Criteria for selection of projects:
The Fellowship is a merit-based award granted for advanced study or research. LGI Visiting Fellowships are designed to help researchers from Eastern Partnership countries to research, develop policy recommendations, advocate and ultimately influence EU foreign policy vis-Adz?-vis EaP countries for the benefit of open society, democratic state building and sustainable economic development.
Apart from submitting a sound proposal with a strong European think tank additional criteria used for selection process will be:
(a) Previous experience of researching or good understanding of EU foreign policy decision making processes, especially with respect to Eastern Partnership and European Neighborhood Policy Action PLans
(b) Identification of ongoing research work in one of the EU based think tank and a feasibility to join the team of researchers (explicit demand for the knowledge and input provided by LGI Visiting Fellow)
(c) The innovation, timeliness and influencing potential of the proposed policy work
(d) Explicit recognition in the application of partnership and networking needs that will be necessary to maximize the prospects for effecting policy decision making process
(e) Ambition, commitment and feasibility to become an authority among researchers in the selected field both in the EU and in a home country
B. Essential contents of application:
Project proposals must include the following:
Applications must include ALL of the following materials:
1. Statement of interest (1-2 pages)
2. Research proposal (maximum of six A4 pages) including a well-defined research problem, topic justification, research methodology, and expected outcomes of the research. In the research proposal please clearly specify in the following:
(a) Project Title
(b) Names and Country of Fellowship Applicant, and address, email and telephone contact details
(c) Names and contact details of EU hosting institution for the two months working visit
(d) Brief description, activities, methodology and objectives of proposed Project, or of further development/replication in other countries of project
(e) Policy Area (see thematic platforms above)
(f) Detailed description of the specific issues within the Policy Area to be targeted during the fellowship
(g) Explanation of how the project meets the key criteria describe in section 3, "Eligible Fields of Activity" above

Assessment of research and analysis to date in the given field, and the gap in the existing policy analysis to be filled
Identification of potential hosting think tank in EU member state with a clear understanding of their relevance to achievement of the advocacy goals
Identification of a researcher / research team leader in a hosting institution with professional interest and contacts in the given field
Identification of a clear advocacy goal (policy field to influence, ongoing negotiations between EU and National Government to be influenced, legislation to be adopted/amended, timeline for feasible policy intervention)
Description of the intended research and advocacy methodology
Description of advocacy and communications strategy (including, presentations, circulation of policy briefs, etc.) that demonstrates how the project will reach and influence key decision-makers at the national and/or EU level
Identification of tools, expertise and training support necessary assist the Applicant to implement the advocacy strategy
Needs appraisal of Fellowship applicant's and partner EU think tank’s capacity/expertise/access to decision-makers in order to be able to conduct the policy research and implement advocacy and communications plans
Identification of necessary advocacy and EU wide events that need to be attended to ensure that the policy outputs are effectively disseminated and visible to targeted decision-makers
Budget (in USD, using attached excel sheet)

(h) Time Frame of the Fellowship - Dates of in country work and two month long visiting fellowship in EU based Policy Think Tank
3. Professional CV
4. English language writing sample (maximum 5 pages)
5. The name and contact information of two people familiar with the professional capacities of the applicant.
**Please note that failure to submit all of the above documents could result in your application being immediately disqualified.

Джерело: http://eu.prostir.ua/news/238217.html

Категорія: Гранти, фінансування | Переглядів: 1042 | Додав: dipcorpus | Рейтинг: 0.0/0