Головна » 2009 » Листопад » 18 » WHO HAS A PUBLIC OPINION -- Training of campaigners & civil society campaign
WHO HAS A PUBLIC OPINION -- Training of campaigners & civil society campaign
Are You interested in promoting opinions in public space, text messages, workshops and new media?
Do You want to learn the best ways, how to create campaigns, implement grassroot activities and participate in creating strong network of young, civil society campaigners in Ukraine?
Would You like to participate in project about active citizenship, public opinion forming and public participation?
We are inviting You to apply for training course, which is being hosted by foundation Loesje International (Berlin, Germany) organized in cooperation with Youth initiative KOLO (Kyiv, Ukraine) with financial support of the Council of Europe.

Training offers unique opportunity to learn campaigning and action methods of Loesje International. Program includes work with creative text writing methods, slogan editing, campaigning methods, workshop leading and project coordination. Extra attention within the training will be given to democratic decision making and self-empowerment through non-formal education. This project aims to develop youth participation in civil society. In attachment You can find detailed program of training.

Training will take place from 27th of November till 6th of December 2009 in Пуща-Водица, Юнкерова street 16, Kyiv.

Accommodation and food costs will be fully covered by organizers, as well as 75% of the travel costs will be reimbursed.

Participants are expected to actively contribute to the program and be committed to participate to the whole program of the event, as well as having an interest about following up the project implementation afterwards.
If You are:
experienced local campaigner, human rights activist, political leader, artist, young entrepreneur, or individual, who combines an active attitude towards your own life and the civil society,
can to work in English and Russian languages as well as help other participants with translations into Ukrainian
motivated to share Your experiences and learn new methods in campaigning and action methods,

You are welcome to apply for the training by sending an e-mail to ruuta@loesje.org (та прохання продублювати на org.kolo@gmail.com) in English/Russian
till 20th of November with such information:
your name, information about yourself;
Your former activities in NGO field;
Your fields of interests;
motivation to participate in the training.

See You in Ukraine!
Loesje International Crew
Berlin, Germany
Джерело: kolo-initiative@googlegroups.com
Категорія: Конференції, семінари, тренінги | Переглядів: 703 | Додав: dipcorpus | Рейтинг: 0.0/0