18:16 Announcing the Open Society Institute's Undergraduate Exchange Program | |
The Undergraduate Exchange Program (UEP) supports students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Serbia, and Ukraine* in the United States for one year of non-degree academic studies. Applicants must currently be enrolled as a second-year student at a university in their home country to be eligible. *Applicants from Ukraine must be studying in the regions of Dnipropetrovska, Zaporizhzhya or Donetsk to be eligible. The program seeks to assist educational and civic development in Southeastern and Eastern Europe and Mongolia by exposing participants to a liberal-arts curriculum, different models of classroom instruction, community service work, and civil society–related programming. UEP combines the U.S. liberal arts academic experience with exposure to American social issues and civic development through involvement in community service–related work. The program aims to create lasting ties among participants and their American colleagues, thereby contributing to cultural understanding and tolerance. Participants attend a university or college in the United States for one year. While in the United States, grantees agree to complete 25 hours per semester of community service work in an area of interest to them. At the end of the year, they are expected to return home to complete their degrees. Once back in their home country, grantees complete a community service project in their own community. | |