Головна » Освіта, навчання
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1031 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 13.02.2013

 Естонський центр Східного партнерства у співпраці з естонської школі дипломатії пропонує обмежену кількість стипендій для участі в навчальному курсі "Міжнародні відносини та європейська інтеграція"
Стипендії фінансуються за рахунок естонського і фінського міністерства закордонних справ, Державного департаменту США (Білорусь ) і Шведське агентство міжнародного розвитку (SIDA).
У 2012/2013 стипендій пропонуються для громадян наступних країн:
Вірменія, Азербайджан, Білорусь, Грузія, Республіка Мол ... Читати далі »
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1042 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 19.06.2012

Deadline: 7 February 2011
Open to: holders of a bachelor’s degree from Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine
Scholarship: tuition fees, stipend to cover living costs, return air travel
The Open Society Foundations, Maastricht University (The Netherlands) and Aarhus University (Denmark) invite applications for scholarships in the field of European Studies. Applicants will be able to apply for one of the three master courses offered at Maastricht University – the MA in European Studies, MA in Analysing Europe and the MA in European Public Affairs; or for the MA in European Studies at the University of Aarhus. Candidates ... Читати далі »
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1037 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 25.01.2011

Deadline: 16 February 2011
Open to: MA holders in Social Sciences (Sociology, Political Science, International Studies)
Fellowship: up to 1200€/month
The Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) seeks international applicants interested in completing a doctoral degree at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Outstanding academic records, first research experience and a strong dedication to becoming a researcher in the Social Sciences are expected.

Research proposals should relate to the comparative analysis of the following research areas and topics. A combination of the following areas and topics ... Читати далі »
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1033 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 25.01.2011

Deadline: 1 March 2011
Open to: international students (social sciences,law, economics, sociology)
Studentship: available
All scholarships are based on competition. This means that even when all scholarship requirements are met there is no legal claim to a scholarship. As for article 1 of the Austrian Data Protection Act, BGBl. Nr. 165/1999 in the present version, the applicant is aware of the fact and fully agrees that personal data contained in the application and its enclosures may be forwarded for statistical purposes and in order to ensure that the application can be properly processed.
Applicants ha ... Читати далі »
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1016 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 25.01.2011

Deadline: 15 April 2011
Open to: citizens of non EU countries
Scholarship: tuition waiver, free accommodation, 65 EUR for undergraduates, 75 EUR for masters, 85 EUR for PhDs
Scholarships offered to foreign citizens by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in keeping with Government Decision No 288/1993 for the 2011- 2012 academic year
Number of scholarships: 85 scholarships for under- and post-graduate studies in Romania, by means of selection of application files organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MECTS), in keeping with Romanian current legisla ... Читати далі »
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1111 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 25.01.2011

MGIMO International Spring School provides foreign students with courses which concentrate on the contemporary Russian politics, institutions and processes as well as on international energy policy. Participants will also have a unique opportunity to learn and practice the Russian language or to upgrade their knowledge.
MGIMO Spring School 2011 consists of 1 module (5 ECTS credits), which includes 4 courses, 12 contact hours each:
• Russian cooperation with EU and USA: future outlooks;
• Russian Politics – Alternatives and Scenarios;
• Russian Foreign Policy in Asia and Africa;
• Contemporary Russian ... Читати далі »
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1096 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 04.12.2010

AUBG has opened the registration procedure for its annual Educational Summer Camp to take place July 3-23, 2011. Information about the camp program and the camp fee is posted on the website: http://www.aubg.bg/camp.
Details on how to register, eligibility criteria, as well as photos from previous camps are also available on the website.

I will appreciate it if you distribute the info about this project among high school students in Ukraine. I am sending a flyer with the most important information abo ... Читати далі »
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1288 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 22.11.2010

Open Society Foundations/ University of Cambridge Scholarships 2011-12 --- JOINTLY-FUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS
Університет Кембриджа (Великобританія) спільно з Інститутом Відкритого Суспільства запрошують подавати заявки на конкурс для отримання стипендій за програмою OSF/ University of Cambridge Scholarships 2011-12.
Стипендії надають можливість навчатися претендентам з України на магістерському рівні
-- Development Studies
-- Education
-- Social Anthropology
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1134 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 21.10.2010

The Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme cultivates the leaders of tomorrow from transition and emerging economies by providing outstanding university graduates and young professionals with the opportunity to pursue fully funded graduate studies at the University of Oxford and access to a comprehensive programme of leadership development, long-term mentoring and networking.
Overall, the programme provides Scholars with the knowledge, skills and international networks necessary to contribute optimally to public life in their countries and regions of origin and to build lasting professional linkages across cultures ... Читати далі »
Категория: Освіта, навчання | Просмотров: 1297 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 20.10.2010

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