Головна » 2007 » Жовтень » 22 » “Youth Dialogue + Youth Partnership = YOUTH IN ACTION”
“Youth Dialogue + Youth Partnership = YOUTH IN ACTION”


Action 3.1 Project International STUDY VISIT
 Baku, Azerbaijan, July 2008


Study Visit Content:

The study visit will provide the foreign participants an opportunity to learn about youth work provisions in Azerbaijan. These are a tool for the exchange of experience and good practice, consultations or policy development etc. with regard to the Europe Youth Foundation and European youth policy. The project will assist in finding partners, developing youth work skills, preparing for future projects, initiating policies, building translational partnerships, and developing co-operation with Caucasus countries. Building co-operation and project partnerships Activities for partner-finding; investigating new project ideas; setting up networks; exchanging experience and practice on aspects of youth work; sharing approaches to policy issues. During the project there will be organised training to develop high quality youth activities. These activities will help youth workers and support persons acquire skills, knowledge and competencies to develop future projects, e.g. project management, intercultural learning and communication skills, mentoring or supervisory skills, capacity to work with disadvantaged youth people, etc. This study visit will be based around a youth work theme, to establish contacts and set up projects for youth workers, policy makers etc and to exchange good practice and build youth work skills and capacity. This study visit aimed at improving the quality or creating new projects under focusing on inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities via local, regional and national activities.


Aims and Objectives:

  • To get to know with wide range of Azerbaijan organisations working with young people on different levels and organisations from different part of Europe
  • To present profiles and experience of participating organizations and to get acquaint with the youth organization which are working in the regions
  • To build new partnerships between Programme Countries and partners from Eastern Europe and Caucasus
  • To inform about possibilities for future co-operation and increase dialogue and co-operation between these projects at national and regional level
  • To promote closer regional co-operation and inter-ethnic dialogue between youth NGOs in the different countries of Europe
  • To establish of partnerships and contacts between youth NGOs in Caucasus Region and in other parts of Europe


Target group:

  • Applicant youth leaders, Youth workers, Youth Trainers, Project managers from youth NGOs, Youth Group, Youth Networks, Youth Organisations
  • leaders that want to apply in the YOUTH IN ACTION Projects in the future
  • Youth NGOs, Youth Group, Youth Networks, Youth Organisations that wants to apply for this project to their National Agency to host it in Baku , Azerbaijan
  • Active members of organizations and youth groups, local youth councils willing to develop further activities and act as multipliers within their organizations
  • Be motivated to develop their knowledge and competence the specific field and to share their experiences with other participants
  • Have some experience in developing youth activities in local/national level and be well informed about the activities they were involved and be prepared to present and explain their function to other participants
  • Ccommit themselves to their function for future activities in the field of youth policy and be prepared to pass on the others the knowledge and skills gained during this visit.



The training is scheduled for late in July 2008 and will be hosted in Baku , Azerbaijan Republic. Financial support is under the European Commission’s “Youth in Action”-programme granting scheme. If approved, all costs will be covered except for 30% of the international travel and visa costs. Organizations from all 27 EU member countries plus Liechtenstein , Norway , Iceland and Turkey , YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME countries are eligible to apply and EECA countries to take part. The working language of the Study VISIT is English.

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