Головна » 2008 » Січень » 14 » 7th Central European Conference
7th Central European Conference

The Rajk L?szl? College for Advanced Studies organizes the 7th Central European Conference which will be held from 6th to 10th March 2008. During the Conference the selected applicants will participate in on of the sections' work, which concern relevant issues regarding venture capital, corporate governance, development economics, nationalism, and arts management.

The goal of the sections is to create an atmosphere which induces a heated debate among the participants in order to come to know each other and exchange experiences. So we expect extrovert students capable to discuss deep issues as a member of an international company for a week.

Requirements for application
•You have to be undergraduate or graduate student
•You have to be fluent in English
•You have to send us the following documents in English:
  ?Curriculum Vitae with Photo
  ?Motivation Letter
  ?An essay related to the topics of the selected section. It should be 7 to 10 pages long (font type: Times New Roman, letter size: 12pts, line spacing: 1.5). Proper bibliography is essential; plagiarism will not be tolerated.

For those who are accepted we provide free accommodation and full board. Participants have to cover only their travel expenses to Hungary.

Via E-mail:
paper.cec2008@gmail.com until 3rd February, 2008

Subject: "venture capital", "corporate governance", "development economics", "nationalism", and "arts management"

Please save your document in the following form: yoursurname_chosensection

Категорія: Конференції, семінари, тренінги | Переглядів: 906 | Додав: dipcorpus | Рейтинг: 0.0/0