Головна » 2009 » Квітень » 8 » Training "Religious Freedom as a Human Right"
Training "Religious Freedom as a Human Right"
WSCF-E Lingua Franca Language and Leadership training "Religious Freedom as a Human Right" Ukraine - Lviv, 25 - 30 May 2009
Lingua Franca is a language and leadership training programme of WSCF Europe, aiming at breaking down linguistic and cultural barriers between East and West. Since 1991, Lingua Franca has organised language courses and training seminars for students in Central and Eastern Europe.


The freedom of churches, religions and believers in Central and Eastern Europe during communist time was violated significantly. Even today, in practice and legislation, religious freedom, an essential human right, is not respected inmany societies, throughout the world and in Europe.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community withothers and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance” – but isthis true in Europe today? What are the experiences of those in neighbouring countries? What does the Bible say about religious freedom? What is our responsibility in response to violations of this human right?In this training, WSCF Europe will gather students and young people to dialogue about religious freedom today, seekingto promote not only feelings but actions of solidarity crossing borders, challenging students to work and campaign for religious freedom for themselves and their neighbours, thus promoting a more peaceful and just Europe and world.


Daily activities will include lectures, small group, plenary and panel discussions, and practical training workshops.
Experts will offer closer insight into the topic, but students will be expected to actively participate in discussions as well as in games and role plays, sharing their experiences related to the topic. In addition, one session a day will be dedicatedto language training. Apart from the intellectual content, there will be opportunities for social and spiritual developmentthrough cultural exchange, bible study, common prayer and worship. We aim to create a safe forum where everyone can freely express opinions and experiences.


The training session will bring together approximately 25 participants from across Europe, including students who are active in Christian student movements in their home countries and guest lecturers who are academics and activistsspecialising in the topic. A good knowledge of English is necessary, but some language training is part of theprogramme. For more information or to receive an application form, please contact the organisers at WSCFlinguafranca@gmail.com or visit wscf-europe.org. If you need a visa, please submit your application as soon as possible.


The World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) was founded in 1895 and is a global fellowship of Christian students in over 100 countries. Europe is one of the Federation's six regions and has over twenty-five national Student Christian Movements (SCMs). As Christians, we believe that faith and social justice cannot be separated, and we must be ready to engage in theological, political, and social issues. We strive towards unity in diversity across the boundaries of denomination, culture, nation, and gender, seeking to provide a forum of Christian witness and ecumenical dialogue for students.

Категорія: Конференції, семінари, тренінги | Переглядів: 777 | Додав: dipcorpus | Рейтинг: 0.0/0