Головна » 2009 » Червень » 5 » INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL “NATIONAL MINORITIES - TODAY AND TOMORROW” OPOLE / BERLIN / STRASBOURG Septemter 15th to September 26th, 2008

INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL “NATIONAL MINORITIES - TODAY AND TOMORROW” OPOLE / BERLIN / STRASBOURG Septemter 15th to September 26th, 2008 - WORKING LANGUAGE : German - The School consist of three parts.
- The first days will take place in Opole (Poland)  where the program will consist of lectures by experts on the European Union, both university professors and politicians.
- It will be followed by a two-day stay in Berlin (Germany), organized by the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE, Nice and Berlin), under the direction of Dr. Hartmut Marhold, Director General. CIFE is a private non-profit making international organisation which includes several institutes. Its activities include European studies courses as well as colloquiums, seminars and publications. The participants will visit German institutions and meet the some of the main actors dealing with Germany’s European policy.
- The third and last part of the International Summer School will take place in Strasbourg (France), where students will have opportunity to visit European and International institutions as European Parliament, Council of Europe and will have meetings with national and local government in France.

This program is intended for students at an advanced stage of their studies, for teaching assistants and graduates, wishing to acquire detailed knowledge on national and ethnic minorities  The course is also intended for young managers (particularly involved in advanced training) and for young political leaders.  The working language is English. Students successfully passing an exam will have the possibility to acquire ECTS academic credits (6 ECTS).

Fees, as detailed in the registration form available toward our establishment, include :
- Registration Fees (Administration fees AND enrollment fee)
- Study Fees
Accomodation during all the session and transport between Opole, Berlin and Strasbourg : FREE !

For candidates from one of the first 15 EU Member States, the file should be submitted by regular mail AND by   E-mail or Fax to the Centre international de formation européenne in Nice
CONTACT : Marie-France PERDIGON, Director of the Summer University Programs
Tél. + 33 (0)4 93 97 93 77                  CIFE - 10 Avenue des Fleurs                 Fax + 33 (0)4 93 97 93 71

For candidates from Central – Eastern Europe and Poland, the file should be submitted to  the European House in Opole :                                                                  Dom Europejski
przy Fundacji Rozwoju Śląska
oraz Wspierania Inicjatyw Lokalnych
ul. Słowackiego 10, 45 – 364 Opole - Poland
Tel. (00 48) 77 454 26 21    -    Fax: (00 48) 77 454 56 10     -      E-mail : domeuropejski@fundacja.opole.pl 

The International Summer School is organized by the European House, Marshal`s Office of the Opole Voivodeship and the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE), Nice (France).

Детальніше: http://www.cife.eu/index.php?id_rub=1170753559&id_parent_rub=1169138294&id_top=1169138294

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