Головна » 2009 » Червень » 19 » Тренинг "Europe@work" - Methodology Training on the topic of Europe
Тренинг "Europe@work" - Methodology Training on the topic of Europe
Ниже расположена информация о тренинге "Europe@work" - Methodology Training on the topic of Europe. Последний срок подачи заявок - *15 августа 2009*.
"How can I work with youth on the topic of Europe and thereby awaken enthusiasm instead of boredom? What does Europe have to do with the everyday experiences, personal problems and wishes of youth? And which methods and content are appropriate for my precise working environment?"
The YOUTH IN ACTION programme aims to promote in youth ideas of a shared Europe and the development of European awareness. Europe should be made tangible in its diversity and be made possible to experience with its opportunities, problems and challenges. It is not easy to put these demands into practice and also to provide youth with fun and excitement on the topic of Europe.
Those participating will through this methodology training be equipped to find answers to the questions posed above. Different methods on the topic of Europe will be introduced, tried out and evaluated. This ranges from short warm ups, game-like methods both knowledge based and experience oriented to several hour long simulation games. In the framework of a methodology laboratory the participants will develop their own methods oriented to their specific fields of practice and target groups.

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С уважением,
Ирина Климова, Александра Назарова,
Информцентр Международной Сети "Молодая Европа"

Категорія: Конференції, семінари, тренінги | Переглядів: 856 | Додав: dipcorpus | Рейтинг: 0.0/0