Головна » 2009 » Серпень » 7 » PTPI's Leadership Seminar 2009 Volunteers for Intercultural Learning
PTPI's Leadership Seminar 2009 Volunteers for Intercultural Learning
We have the pleasure to invite you to the 2009 Leadership Seminar of People to People International in Berlin. This year, the title is "Volunteers for Intercultural Learning". The program is sponsored by the European Commission. PTPI leaders as well as leaders of other volunteer organizations in Europe are cordially invited. This will be an excellent opportunity to connect with NGO leaders and PTPI representatives from all over Europe, exchange experiences, enhance your intercultural skills and develop new projects.
People to People International aims to foster international understanding through direct people-to-people contacts. PTPI’s international leadership seminar is a special program to support and connect the leaders of volunteer organizations in Europe. This is your chance to get to know other leaders of volunteer organizations and People to People International all over Europe, to improve your intercultural skills, to benefit from one another's experiences and to create new projects.

Target group:

PTPI leaders of any European country (preferably chapter presidents and adult advisors of student chapters as well as European Trustees and members of the European Executive Committee; if the chapter president is not able to attend, he/she can nominate another chapter officer or member to represent the chapter at the leadership seminar; applicants should be at least 18 years old.)
Leaders of volunteer organizations or clubs from European Union member states (except Germany). PTPI membership is not necessary to apply. Applicants should be at least 18 years old and interested in organizing projects that foster intercultural learning and international friendship.


The working language of the seminar is English. A sufficient command of English is therefore necessary to benefit from the program.


There is no participation fee. Accommodations and board are provided by People to People International. Travel costs are reimbursed to 100% upon presentation of the original tickets

Location: Hotel Christophorus in Berlin, Germany (www.hotel-johannesstift.de)
Web site: For more information and to view the detailed program, please visit http://ptpe.org/programs/leadership-seminar-2009
Please complete the application form and send it to PTPI's European Office by e-mail or fax. The application form is available at http://ptpe.org/programs/leadership-seminar-2009/Application-LeadershipSeminar2009.doc

Organizer and Contact Information:
People to People International
European Office
Schillerstr. 59
10627 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 8891 6433
Fax: +49 (0)30 8891 6434
Deadline: 2009/08/14

Джерело: http://unistudy.org.ua/events.htm?page=1&id=867

Категорія: Конференції, семінари, тренінги | Переглядів: 832 | Додав: dipcorpus | Рейтинг: 0.0/0