Головна » 2009 » Серпень » 20 » GlobalCampus (www.globalcampus.com)- connecting students and universities
GlobalCampus (www.globalcampus.com)- connecting students and universities
GlobalCampus connects young people with universities around the world to help them find the best opportunities for their future, wherever located.
How does it work?
GlobalCampus is an online community: students and institutions can create a profile and connect.
Student profiles work like CVs. Students can indicate the schools they have attended, their personal achievements, their aspirations and their preferred destinations to study. They can also add sample works and videos to present themselves and their interests.

University profiles are generated directly by a university’s community - staff, faculty, current students and alumni. They feature both subjective information, like articles and presentation videos, and objective information, like admission requirements and course synopses.

On GlobalCampus students can express their talent to receive offers from universities around the world, while universities can communicate their best assets to tudents in any country.

What are the next steps?

We are now working on adding scholarship providers, so that once registered a student will know also where there are funds available for her. (Did you know that every year hundreds of millions of dollars worth of scholarships go unclaimed? Thousands of people are eligible to receive financial aid to study somewhere in the world right now, but they simply don’t know about it. We would like to change that).

What inspires GlobalCampus?

GlobalCampus is a social enterprise built with the primary objective of helping people around the world find their best opportunities for education. We like the idea that you can help social change from grassroots through self-sustaining businesses, such as Grameen Bank . At a recent meeting with our CEO in L.A. for the global conference on education (NAFSA) Dr. Yunus, founder of Grameen bank and Nobel Peace prize winner, had encouraging words about GlobalCampus.

So what should you do now?

Register on the site – it’s free and it takes 30 seconds. If you are at a university or have attended one please take a minute to share information that may help others (and make your institution more prominent). If you are choosing your university now or plan to do it shortly build your profile and let your favourite universities know that you are interested.

Джерело: http://unistudy.org.ua/opportunities.htm?id=894

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