Головна » 2009 » Вересень » 5 » Green Soluntions, Bonn International Model United Nations, Germany
Green Soluntions, Bonn International Model United Nations, Germany
The 2009 BIMUN/SINUB Conference is held under the title: Green Solutions - Inspiring Global Governance.
Going "green" in this case does not only refer to global environmental politics, but also encompasses social and economic issues that can only be solved by coordinated and solidary international cooperation. Will the current economic crisis undermine our efforts to tackle climate change or can a "green economy" be a part of the solution? Do we need a new architecture for the international system or should we reform existing institutions? In six different committees our delegates will gather to discuss new ideas and find effective solutions.
The broad diversity of participants, a historic setting as a conference venue and the UN City of Bonn are some of the factors that coin the character of the conference, which traditionally takes place in the first week of December. We are proud to annually welcome more than 170 delegates from up to 50 countries in Germany’s UN City Bonn.

BIMUN/SINUB e.V. sets a high value on facilitating the participation of delegates from developing countries by providing travel grants and general support.

A unique feature of the BIMUN/SINUB Conference is the simulation of a main political body of the European Union. In addition, we offer a bilingual working experience to our participants. Next to English as an official working language in all committees, French is used in at least one of our simulated institutions.

For more informations visit:





Джерело: http://unistudy.org.ua/events.htm?id=948

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