Головна » 2010 » Червень » 29
Шукаємо учасників з України: Call for papers -- Third Annual European Graduate Conference on Political Parties (AEGCPP)
Call for papers -- Third Annual European Graduate Conference on Political Parties (AEGCPP) 4 - 5 March 2011 The Institute for German and European Political Party Law and Research Heinrich Heine University (Düsseldorf Germany)
http://dipcorpus.at.ua/news/shukaemo_uchasnikiv_z_ukrajini_call_for_papers_third_annual_european_graduate_conference_on_political_parties_a ... Читати далі »
Категория: Новини Ліги "ДИПКОРПУС" | Просмотров: 1097 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 29.06.2010

Call for papers -- Third Annual European Graduate Conference on Political Parties (AEGCPP) 4 - 5 March 2011 The Institute for German and European Political Party Law and Research Heinrich Heine University (Düsseldorf Germany)
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Ulrich von Alemann
Prof. Dr. Martin Morlok
Prof. Dr. Thomas Poguntke
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Elvert

Deadline for abstract/panel submission: Friday, 20th August 2010
The conference represents an excellent opportunity for post-graduate students to come together from all over Europe in order to pre ... Читати далі »
Категория: Конференції, семінари, тренінги | Просмотров: 870 | Добавил: dipcorpus | Дата: 29.06.2010